About the Council


The Grainthorpe Parish Council is made up of eight elected members - comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair and six members - all unpaid volunteers who work for the benefit of the community and all local residents. The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to detailed audit.

The Clerk to the Parish Council is a paid, part-time employee.

Residents may attend full council meetings and can speak briefly on village matters at the commencement of the meeting in Parishioners Items.

Grainthorpe Parish Council meets approximately four/six times a year; our Annual Meetings are held in May in the Chapel Meeting Room and are usually held on a Wednesday at 7;30pm

All enquiries about this website or content, please contact the Parish Clerk 

The Parish Council is a non political organisation that is here to serve the people who live in Grainthorpe.  We are consulted by East Lindsey District Council on planning applications in the village and are kept informed of highway work by Lincolnshire County Council, amongst many other things.

A precept is set once a year, which raises funds via the Council tax for use in the village. Our accounts are audited regularly in June/July of each year and information regarding our financial position is available on the web site.

Our meetings are open to members of the public and are advertised on the website along with an agenda and minutes of previous meetings. 

There are two district Councillors who also serve the Ward, they are Cllr Danny McNally and Cllr Paul Rickett, their contact details are available via this Contact link. Cllr McNally is also the Ward  representative on Lincolnshire County Council.

If there is any information you require about the Parish Council that you cannot find on the web site please contact the Clerk who will be happy to assist.