Walkers and Ramblers |
Safety and Emergencies |
Walking is beneficial especially for the elderly as it keeps you fit and helps maintain health. It's important to use the correct type of clothing and footwear especially during bad weather or wintry conditions. It's also important to have an understanding of where you walk and the conditions that might be experienced. If you're new to the community try to get local information from friends or neighbours to make your experience a good one. Our locality is made up of agricultural land and also marshland with many water courses, so it's imperative to follow the public rights of way and not venture from them. To summarise and keep you safe consider the following -
Go to our Village page and print off the Grainthorpe Walks leaflet, it gives details of 3 lovely walks around the village. |
Our locality consists of potentially hazardous areas with water courses, marshland as well as accidental slips, trips and falls. Consider using or having at hand the "what three words" app on your iphone. What Three Words is a free application downloaded to your mobile phone which can help to locate you in an emergency. Click on the link for more information - https://what3words.com/products/what3words-app/
Important Numbers for Emergency Responders. Neighbourhood/Lincolnshire Police 101 or 999 in an emergency Hospitals - Grimsby 01472 874111 - Louth 01507 600100 Coastguard - 999 Information on https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/maritime-and-coastguard-agency