June 2020 Agenda
There will be a meeting of Grainthorpe Parish Council on Wednesday 10th June, 2020 using the Zoom App at 7.30pm
Any member of the public that wishes to join this meeting must email the Clerk before Tuesday 9th June at 6:00pm in order to obtain a meeting ID and password.
Cllrs C. Pridgeon (Chair), R. Drinkell (V.Chair), I. Jones, M Bark, G.Lovatt, P. Hibberd and J. West.
- Apologies. Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent. Reasons for absence are not minuted but need to be accepted by the members present. Tel 01472 812730 or email Grainthorpeparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk
- It is acceptable due to present situation with Covid 19 for Councillor who holds an office to remain in place for a further year without any further action being taken. Alternatively the position of Chair and Vice Chair can be resolved when a more suitable meeting venue is used.
The main purpose of this meeting is to approve the paperwork for the audit.
- Open meeting for members of the public (if present).
- Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
- To receive the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th March, 2020.
- .Matters Arising:
Co-option of new Councillor
- Financial
1. To receive internal auditors report;
2. Complete and sign Annual Governance statement;
3. Adopt and sign Accounting Statements;
4. Adopt and sign Certificate of Exemption.
Cheques signed between meetings: LALC - £230.37; Zurich Insurance - £341.12
Grainthorpe Methodist Chapel - £60.00
- Parish Matters:
- Grass Cutting, hedges;
- County Councillor;
- District Councillor;
11. Planning: between meetings N/062/00638/20 - St. Clements Church – Supported
N/062/00742/20 - telecommunications pole Grainthorpe Grain Store – not supported
12. Any Other Business.
13. Date and time of next meeting. To be arranged.
Pauline Plumridge
Clerk/RFO - 3rd June, 2020