September 2020 Agenda


There will be a meeting of Grainthorpe Parish Council on Wednesday 30th September, 2020 using the Zoom App at 7.30pm

Any member of the public that wishes to join this meeting must email the Clerk before Tuesday 29th September at 6:00pm in order to obtain a meeting ID and password.

Cllrs. R. Drinkell (Chair),  I. Jones,  M Bark,  G.Lovatt, P. Hibberd,  J. West and R. Beech

                                                                A G E N D A

  1.  Apologies.  Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent.  Reasons for absence are not minuted but need to be accepted by the members present.  Tel 01472 812730 or email

Councillors will be required to confirm if they are alone in the room, although it is not a problem if other people are present it will have to be minuted that they are.

  1. Open meeting for members of the public (if present).
  2.  County & District Councillors Reports (if present)
  3. Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
  4. To receive  the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9th June, 2020.
  5. .Matters Arising
  6.    Financial

i).  To approve financial statement;

ii).  To  propose to sign 3 cheques, Clerks wages, Wages Bureau &  HMRC Paye and grass cutting.

  1. Parish Matters:

    i)   Person to lay wreath at Remembrance Service; (wreath has been ordered, Clerk will collect and deliver to Grainthorpe);

     ii)  Recognition gift for former Chair;

iii)   Councillor vacancy.

  1.  Risk Assessment & Standing Orders
  2.  Planning:  between meetings:   N/036/01358/20 Solar, Applebys Ices – Supported

N/110/01435/20 - Coastal Zone Development – Supported

N/062/01324/20 - Fen Lane Nursery - withdrawn

  1.  Any Other Busines
  2.  Date and time of next meeting.  To be arranged.


Pauline Plumridge

Clerk/RFO - 19th September, 2020