May 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Cllrs. R. Drinkel (Chair), P. Hibberd, J. West, R. Beech, R. Burton, M Bark, G. Lovett and M Bensley.
Cllrs D McNally (LCC & ELDC) & P Rickett (ELDC)
1. Apologies. Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent. Reasons for absence are not minuted but need to be accepted by the members present. Tel 01472 812730 or email
2. Nominations for Chair.
3. Nominations for Vice Chair.
4. Open meeting for members of the public (if present).
5. Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
6. Minutes of previous meeting (09.03.2022)
7. Matters Arising
i) Playing Field notice board, Clerk has made enquiries and received a quote;
ii) Two Cllrs are booked in for training courses.. Cllr Bensley for new councillor course and Cllr Hibberd for meetings.
8. Financial
i) To approve and sign any cheques required.
ii) To receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report;
iii) To approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement;
iv) To approve and sign the Accounting Statements;
v) To approve and sign the Certificate of Exemption.
vi) To approve a commencement date for exercise of public rights.
Clerk and Cllr Hibberd now have authorisation to sign cheques along with Cllr Drinkel, Cllr Bark and Cllr Lovett. Clerk and Cllr Hibberd have online access to account.
9. Parish Matters.
i) Jubilee mugs for school have arrived, Marshchapel and Grainthorpe PC’s to split the total cost for both schools equally between them. (40 for Grainthorpe and 29 for Marshchapel), Lamp post plaques and bunting has also arrived.
ii) Cllrs to assess position for village signs, any progress made?
iii) Repair to Notice Board, any further action?
iv) Poor’s End - Ragwort
10. Planning.
Nothing between meetings.
11. Date and time of next meeting. – Wednesday 13th July, 2022, at 7.30 pm in Chapel Schoolroom.
Pauline Plumridge, Clerk/RFO
23rd April, 2022