November 2024 DRAFT Minutes
Minutes of the Grainthorpe Parish Council Meeting held at Grainthorpe Methodist Chapel Schoolroom, High Street, Grainthorpe LN11 7JA, on Wednesday 6th November 2024 at 7.00 PM
Present: Councillors: Cllr Nicholls (Chairman), Crabtree, Hibberd, Jackson and Warrilow.
In attendance: The Parish Clerk, District Cllr Rickett and District/County Cllr McNally.
01:11/24 Declarations of Interest:
a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
Cllr Crabtree declared an interest in agenda item 11:11/24
b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
02:11/24 Apologies for Absence:
To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting.
No apologies had been received.
03:11/24 Open Forum:
a) Members of the public may make representations in respect of the business on the agenda.
No members of the public were present.
b) To receive reports from County and District Councillors.
Verbal reports were received from ELDC and LCC Councillors.
04:11/24 Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s):
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting(s).
RESOLVED: That the minutes be approved as a true record
05:11/24 Planning:
a) Planning Decisions:
To note any planning decisions received since the previous meeting.
None received.
b) Planning Applications:
To consider any comment from the Parish Council to be submitted to ELDC.
None received.
c) To receive any updates on a planning enforcement matter.
The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had been added to the mailing list and would receive any future updates on the case.
06:11/24 Finance & Governance:
The Chair moved agenda item 11 to this point in the meeting, so that the associated payment could be considered prior to approving the payment of accounts.
a) To approve payment of accounts.
RESOLVED: That the following payments be approved: -
Ref |
Payee |
Item |
Amount |
T Kuzemczak |
Wages - Month 6 |
£XXX |
T Kuzemczak |
Wages - Month 7 |
£XXX |
T Kuzemczak |
WFH Allowance 6 |
£7.50 |
T Kuzemczak |
WFH Allowance 7 |
£7.50 |
DD |
Ionos |
Email Service |
£6.00 |
DD |
Ionos |
Email Archive Service |
£1.20 |
Royal British Legion |
Poppy Wreath |
£18.00 |
R Drinkell |
Mower Supplies |
£202.45 |
Cllr Crabtree |
Reimbursement - Tommy Figure (BL Shop) |
£100.00 |
b) To review and approve any changes to the bank mandate.
RESOLVED: That one signatory be removed from the bank mandate as no longer in employment of the Parish Council.
c) To receive any quotations for a parish council mobile phone.
RESOLVED: That a business account be set up with o2 and a handset purchased.
d) To receive an update on HMRC.
The Clerk reported that HMRC Basic Tools was set up and fully functional.
e) To receive a report from the Clerk and consider purchase of Microsoft Office for the Parish Council’s laptop.
RESOLVED: That a licence be obtained at an approximate cost of £10.00
Cllr Warrilow joined the meeting.
f) To receive a report from the Clerk on the Parish Council’s financial reporting and consider expenditure on software.
RESOLVED: That this item be deferred until the January meeting to allow a live demonstration to take place.
g) To receive a Yr 2024-25 Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 bank reconciliation – nominated Councillor to sign the bank reconciliation and the bank statement(s).
RESOLVED: That it be noted that Cllr Nicholls, as the nominated councillor, has checked and signed the Q1 and Q2 bank reconciliations and statements.
h) To receive a financial report and consider a draft budget for 2025-26.
RESOLVED: That the draft budget be approved.
i) To review the Parish Council’s asset register.
The Clerk advised that the asset register required updating.
RESOLVED: That this item be deferred until the January meeting, once historical documents have been inspected.
j) To receive a report from the Clerk on draft policies that have been prepared for presentation to the next meeting(s).
RESOLVED: That the new policies be emailed to the Councillors and added to the January and March meeting agendas.
07:11/24 Highways & Public Rights of Way:
a) To agree expenditure for repeater 30mph signs and agree locations to be sent to LCC Highways.
RESOLVED: That ten repeater signs be purchased from Lincolnshire County Council at a total cost of £200.00.
b) To agree the LCC licence conditions and exact location for a village sign.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk shall complete and submit an application to Lincolnshire County Council Highways for the installation of village signs at the three village entrances.
c) To receive information on land ownership and agree any action to be taken regarding High Street parking issues.
The Council had established the ownership of a piece of land used for car parking as Lincolnshire Housing Partnership. It was discussed that all viable options to provide additional parking for residents had been explored.
RESOLVED: That no further action be taken.
08:11/24 Speed Signs:
a) To review if any arrangements need to be made for moving the sign in November.
RESOLVED: That the previous volunteer would continue to assist the Parish Council with putting up the speed sign.
b) To receive any quotations for replacement batteries for the sign.
RESOLVED: That this item be deferred to the next meeting.
c) To receive any quotations for a new Speed Indicator Device.
RESOLVED: That a quotation of £2,747.99 inc. VAT from Elan City be approved, and that expenditure of £200 be approved for Lincolnshire County Council to install a new post for the sign.
d) To note receipt of ELDC District Councillors funding of £2,000 towards a new speed indicator device.
RESOLVED: That the grant of £2,000.00 towards the Speed Indicator Device be noted.
09:11/24 Litter Bins:
To consider any action relating to the siting of bins within the village.
RESOLVED: That the request form relating to the position of bins be resubmitted.
10:11/24 Water Board Fences:
To receive any updates and agree any further actions regarding the condition of the fencing.
RESOLVED: That this item be deferred as the Parish Council is awaiting a response.
11:11/24 War Memorial Area:
a) To retrospective approve expenditure of approx. £200 for a Tommy figure to be sited at the War Memorial.
Two new Tommy figures had been installed at the War Memorial. One figure had been kindly paid for by a resident and the Parish Council discussed purchasing the second figure at a cost of £175.00.
RESOLVED: That it be noted that Cllr Crabtree has donated £75 towards the second Tommy Figure, and that the Parish Council retrospectively approve expenditure of £100 towards the figure.
b) To agree expenditure of £18 under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 for Remembrance Day poppy wreaths.
RESOLVED: That expenditure of £18 for a poppy wreath be approved.
12:11/24 Grass Cutting:
To agree grass cutting arrangements and any expenditure required for equipment or maintenance.
RESOLVED: That this item be deferred until the January meeting.
13:11/24 Next Meeting:
a) To report to the Clerk any agenda items for the next meeting.
None requested.
b) To agree the date of the next meeting – Wednesday 8th January 2025.
The date was noted.
Resolution to exclude the Public and Press:
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that public and press be excluded from the meeting for the matters set out below on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of private and confidential information.
RESOLVED: That the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the matters set out below on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of private and confidential information.
14:11/24 Personnel:
a) To approve staff wages payments, including overtime worked, and working from home allowance.
RESOLVED: That the wages and expenses be approved and that 12 hours overtime be approved for September/October.
To note that the nationally agreed NJC Pay Award has been settled, and contractual pay adjusted accordingly.
The pay award was noted.
The meeting closed at 9.15PM